Enta All Natural Pest Repellent

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TSB Aroma Med Oil [Citronella] 10ml Roller

  • Mosquitoes, dust mites, files and many other flying or crawling insects dislike the smell of natural ingredients
  • Is highly versatile for usage in any place to protect you against mosquitoes and insect bites
  • It has also long lasting effects for approximately 30 days.
  • Mosquitoes, dust mites, files and many other flying or crawling insects dislike the smell of natural ingredients contained in this All-Natural Pest Repellent. It is highly versatile for usage in any place to protect you against mosquitoes and insect bites. It has also long lasting effects for approximately 30 days.

    For best results, hang near the air-conditioner, normal fan or free standing as shown in the picture. 1 All-Natural Pest Repellent can stay effective within an area of approximately 2,000 cubic feet (about a bed room size.)

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