HG 420005106 Stain Away No.1

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  • HG stain away no. 1 for stains caused by coffee, tea, ketchup, fruit, red wine & ink, etc.
  • HG stain away no. 3 for stains caused by candle wax, tar and resin.
  • HG stain away no. 4 for stains caused by sauce, gravy, herbs, blood, milk, egg white, etc.
  • HG stain away no. 5 for stains caused by make-up, grass, pollen, marker pens, chewing gum, etc.
  • HG stain away no. 6 for stains caused by ballpoint, stubborn colourants, etc.
  • HG stain away no. 7 for rust stains
    • HG stain away no. 1 - the coffee & tea stain remover for clothes
    • Effective, good stain remover for clothes
  • How do you use HG stain away no. 1?

    Follow the steps below to effortlessly remove coffee, tea, ketchup, fruit, red wine & ink stains from textile:

    • Treat an inconspicuous part of the fabric first and test it for colourfastness.
    • Remove the residues from the stain as much as possible.
    • Fill a bucket with 1 litre of hot water and dissolve HG stain away no. 1 into the bucket.
    • Submerge the part with the stain and leave to soak for 30 minutes.
    • Always follow the instructions on the fabric care label. For stubborn stains dilute the solution to 4 litres.
    • Submerge the whole garment, leave to soak for a few hours and submerge the garment again regularly.
    • Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
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